Greetings to all English-speaking visitors of the Israeli Robotics Site!

This site you are visiting is intended to convey knowledge and information about Robotics and related topics – all in Hebrew. In addition, it serves as a social connection between people interested in those subjects.

Our main audience up to this point has been Israeli Robotics students. The site has an extensive section that concerns the Trinity Fire-Fighting Home Robot Contest (“Roboner”), Robocup contest, and their Israeli counterparts. An important tool provided by this site is the Forum, containing more than 10000 messages.

If one should like to post an English message in the Forum (assuming he cannot read Hebrew), he is welcome to send email to the Webmaster, and the message will be published in his name.

Webmaster’s Email:

The Forum URL:

For any questions, comments or suggestion regarding the Israeli Robotics Site, please contact us by email to the above address.

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